Benefits of Investing in an EDR Security

In today’s day and age, owning digital assets is no longer enough to scale and grow your business. While an online and social media presence is a crucial marketing tool, protecting your assets is as important as creating them. The advent of technology has allowed companies to reach greater heights. For the first time in history, businesses can develop relationships with customers beyond their immediate area’s borders. However, the development isn’t without its drawbacks. The advancement of the internet brought on the rise of cyberattacks.

Depending on the scale of an operation, a single instance of a cyberattack can cost a company upwards of $3 million. With that statistic alone, companies should not take these malicious threats lightly. Thankfully, there are ways to safeguard your operations from cyberattacks. One effective means of protection are Endpoint detection and response tools, or EDR security tools. 

What is an EDR Security?

To understand Endpoint detection and response security tools, or EDRs, it is crucial to know what an endpoint is. Endpoints are devices on a network – not the network itself. This includes computers, laptops, or mobile phones connected to a specific network—EDRs work by monitoring these endpoints for suspicious activities. 

EDRs is an effective security measure since it protects the means by which hackers can access a network. By targeting endpoints, you provide an added layer of security. This type of protective option is ideal for companies that encourage employees to use their own devices for official activities. 

Why Should You Prioritize EDR Security Tools for your Business?

It is important to note that while an EDR security tool is a practical means to protect your digital assets, it is most effective when used in tandem with other security measures. Nevertheless, below are a few reasons why you should consider EDRs for your business: 

  • Provides a Transparent Look on Your Company’s Security Health

Most IT teams have an excellent malware response process in place. However, the same teams have a large blind spot when it comes to knowing the health of a network at any given time. Attackers often exploit this lack of transparency. These hackers know that management teams usually take weeks before detecting a severe attack. 

An EDR security tool measure provides a clear picture of the network’s health and can gauge if any other devices have been affected by attacks. This information is crucial to identifying a network’s weak point and creating a more formidable stronghold for those endpoints. 

  • Detects Unnoticed Attacks

When it comes to cyberattacks, a threat’s efficacy is doubled when it isn’t detected promptly. For the most part, even the most sophisticated detection software is trumped by a rudimentary attack given enough time.

Prevention is always better than cure. However, in cybersecurity, pinpointing previous malicious incidents is an excellent complement to preventative measures. Most EDR security tools are equipped with features that can identify indicators of compromise or IOCs. Again, having this tool in your arsenal can allow your company to develop better responses to attacks. 

  • Allows for Faster Issue Response Times

The best way to minimize the effect of an attack is through early detection. Identify a threat early; the less likely would it wreak havoc in your network. On average, IT teams take three hours to identify a breach and formulate a response to it.

EDR security tools can hasten this process and prevent the spread of the attack. Some EDR tools can isolate infected endpoints. Once the infected device is isolated, IT teams have more time to address the threat and develop practical solutions. 

  • Provide a Means to Understand Past Attacks

As they say, knowing the enemy is half the battle won. This statement also rings true when it comes to cybersecurity. EDRs serve as a great tool for analysts. It allows them to see the attack chain in its full breadth. This step is crucial in developing better security protocols that can protect a network from similar attacks. 

What Should You Expect from an EDR security tool? 

As with most security solutions, EDRs can come in many forms. Various security providers can offer different EDR features. However, for the most part, you can expect the following core elements in every EDR tool: 

  • Reporting Console

The reporting console serves as an information board for the EDR tool. In the console, the overall health of the network is detailed. The console provides visibility and transparency about the security status of all endpoints connected to the main network. 

  • Advanced Response Feature

One of EDR tools’ best capabilities is their ability to perform advanced analysis and provide logical solutions depending on a network’s needs. This feature allows a user to gain more information about past attacks and deliberate on the security suggestions following the EDRs analysis. 

  • Endpoint Detection

This basic feature provides detection and reporting on threats and risks posed to specific endpoints. 

  • Universal OS Support

Different organizations use various operating systems to run their network. An effective EDR tool can operate on most operating systems with ease. 

  • Preventative Feature

When dealing with cybersecurity, detection is important, but it isn’t enough. Preventing threats is a crucial part of safeguarding a system. Effective EDR tools employ preventative measures that minimize the effect of an attack on a network from any given endpoint. 

  • Integration 

Network security is a holistic endeavor. For the most part, a company needs various software to complement each other to protect their digital assets completely. The right For a layered approach to cybersecurity, an EDR tool should accommodate APIs or built-in integrations. 

Key Takeaways 

As with running a business, tackling your operation’s cybersecurity begs for a multifaceted approach. One security solution is often not enough to protect your digital assets from the threat of cyberattacks. An endpoint detection and response solution can offer you an extra layer of protection. 

Your digital assets are as worthy of protection as your physical investments. SecureBrain’s Endpoint Security Cyberattack Health Check offers an AI-drive, data-centric approach to cybersecurity. Our wide range of advanced enterprise cybersecurity solutions is designed to protect your assets, your company, and your customers. Reach out to us today to learn more about our products.